Figure out your hair type to set your style

In order to set your unique hair style which perfectly suits you, you should predict your hair type. Generally for African American hair styles, the hair style can be set only if the type texture is known. Otherwise the style which is set by you without the sufficient knowledge will not match you and that might ruin your outlook. This is because hairstyle plays an important role in deciding the outward personality of a person. If a style of hair of a person is suited for him or her, then the personality would be lifted by one level. Hence style of hair is very important and for that you should take care of knowing the things that could help you gain knowledge about the trending as well as the suitable and comfortable hairstyle.

Generally the types of hairs are come under four categories straight, wavy, curly, and coily. But they under these four categories some types have divisions. Let us see their types one by one from now on.

Straight hair: in straight hair there will not be any curls or waves. There will hang down straightly. Most of the people prefer the straight hair. This is because; when you have straight hair you can do any type of hair styles.

plopping curly hair guide

Wavy: wavy hair styles do not come under the category of straight hair as well as the curly hair. It would have very light curls and wavy hairs. The presence of curls in the hair will depend on the texture of the hair. You can see the wavy hairs with ‘S’ shaped curls as well as no curls among people.

Curly: curly is the type which is next to wavy hairs. They are similar to the wavy hairs but they look like dense hair since they have more curls. Though it resembles like wavy hair sometimes they are totally different. Curls hairs always look short even they have good growth. The grown hairs will get curl to the upward direction and seemed to look like short hair. The length of the curly hair can be seen when they are wet but it will turn into its position after it get dried. We cannot predict the length of the dried curly hair. These kinds will special attention while styling. Thus, plopping curly hair guide will be the right choice to keep it simple and better.

Coily: as the name indicates , this kind of hairs are coil shaped which means that they are grown with the tight curls and are look like wires. Coily hair type are the driest hair type when compare to other types of hair. And also they are more fragile among all types of hair. These are tending to seem like denser and tightly curled to the scalp of the head.